Santa’s country – Greenland – of course they celebrate Christmas
just as people do in many other parts of the world.
December is the time for preparations. The houses and the streets
have to be decorated, presents need to be wrapped and hidden, and
the lovely Christmas food has to be baked.
During December people in
Greenland start to put festive decorations in their windows.
The most common is the
Christmas Star. (Almost in all houses they have the same special
orange colored star).
Being so close to the North Pole, Greenland has little, or no
daylight at this time of year.
North of the Polar Circle the sun does not rise at all for many
months, and in the southern part of Greenland it only appears over
the mountains for a very short time. So the shining Christmas Star
adorns all the windows of public buildings, shops and people’s
trees are imported from Denmark, and decorated with candles as well
as bright ornaments.
The inside roof and walls are decorated with lots of paper
(to us from Denmark - it look like a mix between new year
and Shrovetide decoration).
Christmas day the 24. december - early in the morning, the
Greenlandic people
start celebrating Christmas with dancing around the tree and give
present to each other. (especial to the kids).
At ten
o clock there is a church service, and nearly everybody goes.
Greenlandic people have a native talent for part-singing – it`s
sound very beautiful.
Many wearing the traditional Greenlandic costume, which is a signal
that it is a special day.
After the service people offer coffee to each other.
Along with singing, coffee is an important part of any celebration
in Greenland.
(unfortunately the alcohol drinking have replaced the coffee – it`s
a very big problem in Greenland).
First Christmas day 25. december is almost as big
a festival as Christmas Day itself.
The kids go from house to house to sing Christmas carols. (very
After the singing we offer the kids cookies and candy.

our return to Denmark
we still have the special orange
star in our windows in December month).

Our house in Salten
Denmark - December 2005.
