(NB: 1 oz (ounce) = 28,35 gram
= ca. 3 cl.)
1 cl. sød rød vermouth
1 cl. Campari
Fyld op med Apollinaris
Server i store vin - eller høje glas - med nogle få
Dekorer med en appelsinskive.
A very Italian cocktail.
1 cl. Rosso sweet vermouth
1 cl. Campari
club soda
Build in a wine glass or highball glass. Top with club soda and a few ice cubes.
Decorate with an orange slice or a lemon twist.
3 cl. Vodka
Appelsin sodavand
Server i høje glas med isterninger.
Fyld op med Appelsin sodavand.
Tilsæt et stænk Grenadine.
Dekorer med en appelsinskive.
For the beginners. A really easy yet tasty longdrink.
1 shot vodka
orange soda
Build in a glass packed with ice cubes.
Fill up with orange soda.
Top with a few drops Grenadine.
Decorate with an orange slice.
1del gin
1 del Bacardi Rom
1 del Cointreau
Shake med is i en cocktailshaker.
Si over i et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med et rødt cocktailbær.
Equal amounts of
• gin
• white rum (Bacardi)
• Cointreau
Shake with plenty of ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with a red cherry.
Bacardi Highball.
2 cl. Bacardi white rom
1 cl. Cointreau
Shake med is i cocktail shaker, og server i høje glas.
Fyld op med Apollinaris og is. Dekorer med en skive appelsin og et cocktailbær.
Bacardi Highball.
1 shot Bacardi white rum
1/2 shot Cointreau
1 dash lemon juice
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a highball glass with a couple of ice cubes and fill up with club
Decorate with an orange slice and a marachino cherry.
2 cl. contreau
3 cl. vodka
2 cl. citron saft
Shake med is i en cocktailshaker.
Si over i et pænt glas.
Dekorer med hvad du har, men Carambole stjernefrugt er
A citrus vodka martini.
2 cl Cointreau
3 cl vodka
2 cl lemon juice
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Decorate at will, but we like it with a carambole starfruit.
Boston Gold.
3 cl. vodka
1 cl. banan likør
appelsin juice
Server i høje glas med is.
Fyld op med appelsin juice og en skrive appelsin på glassets kant.
Boston Gold.
3 pt vodka
1 pt banana liqueur
orange juice
1 slice of orange
Build over ice in a highball glass.
Fill up with orange juice and decorate with a slice or orange
Britney & Whitney.
2 cl. Scotch blended whisky
2 cl. Bailey`s
Server i champagneglas med knust is.
Britney & Whitney.
20 ml scotch blended whisky
20 ml Bailey's
Serve in a champagne flute with crushed ice and a straw.
Campari Soda
13½ cl. Apollonaris
Lidt lime saft
Server i høje glas med isterninger. Dekorer med en Lime skive.
Campari Soda
2 oz Casmpari
4 1/2 oz Soda Water
Pour the Campari over ice cubes in a highball glass,
then fill with sparkling/soda water.
Squeeze a lime wedge over the glass, drop it in, and serve
Campari orange.
2 cl. Campari
orange juice
Server I høje glas med is og orange juice. Rør rundt inden serveringen.
Campari orange.
2 shots Campari
orange juice
ice cubes
Build with ice and orange juice in a highball glass.
Stirr before serving.
Cinzano Limetto.
3 cl. vodka
3 cl. Cinzano
Server i høje glas med isterninger.
Fyld op med sodavand, og dekorer med en skive lime.
Cinzano Limetto.
30 ml vodka
30 ml Cinzano Limetto
Build in a highball glass packed with ice.
Fill up with soda and decorate with a slice of lime.
Cointreau Tonic.
3-4 cl. Cointreau
Tonic vand
lime stykker/både
Server i høje glas med is og nogle stykker lime.
Fyld op med Tonic vand.
Cointreau Tonic.
30-40 ml Cointreau
tonic water
lime wedges
Build in a highball glass packed with ice and a few lime wedges.
Fill up with tonic water and squeeze a lime wedge on top.
- Recipe from -
“Sex and the City”
3 cl vodka
1 cl Cointreau
2 cl tranebærjuice
2 cl limejuice
et stænk Grenadine (giver sødme og farve)
Knuste isterninger
Isterningerne vodka, Cointreau, tranebærjuice, limejuice og Grenadine shakes og sies over i
et glas.
Pynt evt. med en skive lime.
1.5 oz Vodka
0.5 oz Cointreau
0.25 oz Fresh Lime Juice
1 oz Cranberry Juice
Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with a lemon twist, flamed orange peel, or lime wedge.
Cuba Libre.
2 cl. Bacardi Rom
Server I høje glas med en lime skive på kanten.
Cuba Libre.
Just a fancier name for Rum and Coca-Cola.
2 shots of white rum
Squeeze a lime wedge on top.
An eraser.
1 del vodka
1 del Blue Bols
1 lime skåret i både
Kom Vodka i et højt glas.
Pres saften af nogle af Lime bådene i glasset,
og kom bådene i glasset sammen med isterninger.
Fyld op med Sprite/7up og til sidst Blue Bols.
An eraser.
1 shot vodka
1 shot blue curaçao
1 lime cut into wedges
Build by first pouring the vodka into a highball glass.
Squeeze the lime wedges over the glass and then add the weges and ice cubes.
Add Sprite or 7up, at last the blue curaçao.
Dry Americano.
4 cl. Dry Vermouth
2 cl. Campari
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med ½ citronskive og ½ appelsinskive.
Dry Americano.
A martini version of the Americano short drink.
40 ml dry vermouth
20 ml Campari
Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with half a lemon slice and half an orange slice.
Dry Martini.
5 cl. Dry Gin
1 cl. Dry Vermouth (Noilly Prat)
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med grøn oliven.
Dry Martini.
This is the classic recipe.
50 ml dry gin
10 ml Noilly Prat (dry vermouth)
Stir with ice.
Strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with a green olive.
Electric Lemonade.
4 cl. vodka
2 cl. Blue Bols
Appelsin juice
Shake med is i en cocktail shaker.
Si over i et højt glas.
Dekorer med en skive Lime.
Electric Lemonade.
Very easy to mix and with an exciting green color.
40 ml vodka
20 ml blue curaçao
orange juice
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a highgball glass.
Decorate with a slice of lime.
Evening schlager.
En alternativ cognac martini.
Lige dele Cognac og Cointreau.
Serveres ved stue temperatur i et cocktail glas.
Evening schlager.
An alternative cognac martini.
Equal amounts of cognac and Cointreau
Served room tempered in a cocktail glass.
Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri
4-6 cl. hvid rom
3-4 jordbær
2 cl. presset lime eller citronsaft
½ teske sukker
knust is
Bland det hele i blender.
Server i vin eller cocktail glas.
Dekorer med et jordbær.
Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri
40-60 ml white rum
3-4 strawberries
20 ml squeezed lime or lemon
1/2 tsp sugar
1 cup crushed ice
Mix all ingredients in a blender. Run the blender for 10-20 seconds.
Serve in a chilled wine glass or cocktail glass.
Decorate with a strawberry.
Many like their Daiquiri with a sugar rim on the glass.
Make this by rubbing the glass rim with a piece of lime or lemon.
Then sprinkle white sugar over the rim before preparing the daiguiri.
En klassisk gin baseret cocktail.
2 dele Gin
1 del Lime saft
Shak og si til et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med et cocktailbær og et Lime stykke.
(prøv også en Gimlet med Vodka)
A classic gin based cocktail.
2 parts gin
1 part lime juice
Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with a red maraschino cherry and a lime wedge.
Also try the gimlet with vodka.
Green Heaven.
1 cl. Vodka
2 - 4 cl. Pisang Ambon
Sprite eller Seven up.
Server I høje glas med isterninger.
Green Heaven.
10 ml vodka
20-40 ml Pisang Ambon liqueur
Sprite or 7up
Build in a highball glass packed with ice.
Fill up with Sprite or 7up.
Green River.
3 cl. Vodka
3 cl. Banan likør
3 cl. Blue Bols
orange juice
Shake vodka og likør med is i en cocktail shaker.
Si til et højt glas med et par isterninger.
Fyld op med orange juice.
Green River.
30 ml vodka
30 ml banana liqueur (crème de bananas)
30 ml blue curaçao
orange juice to fill
Shake the vodka and liqueurs with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a hiighball glass with a couple of ice cubes.
Fill up with orange juice.
Harvey Wallbanger.
3 cl. vodka
orange juice
1 stænk Calliano
Server i højt glas. Fyld op med orange juice.
På toppen et stænk Calliano.
Harvey Wallbanger.
1-2 oz vodka
orange juice
a splash of Galliano
Build in a highball glass and add a splash of Galliano on the top.
The stories about the birth of the Harvey Wallbanger
cocktail is almost as many as this classic drink's fans.
Our favourite story is set in New York during the days of the great stock baisse
that started off the great depression of the twenties.
On a bar close to Wall Street, a stock broker named Harvey, and ordered drink
after drink.
The contents where vodka, orange juice and Galliano.
After every
glass he stood up, walked over to the othe side of the room, and banged his
head, hard, against the wall.
Then he ordered another drink...
If there is a sensmorale in this story it must be that there will always come
something good from even the things that hurt us the most.
Isbjørn – Alaska Bear.
1/4 vodka
3/4 Sprite/7 up
1 stænk Blue Curacao (Blue Bols)
1 stænk Roses lime
Det hele blandes i et højt glas
fyld op med is
+ evnt. apollinaris
Ice Bear.
30 ml vodka
1 dash of blue curaçao
1 dash of Roses lime
Build in a highball glass.
Fill with - ice - Sprite/7up
Decorate with a lime wedge.
4 cl. hvid rom
2 cl. Cointreau
4 cl. Ananas juice
bitter lemon sodavand
Shake med is i cocktail shaker (uden sodavand).
Si til højt glas, og fyld op med bitter lemon sodavand.
Dekorer med en citronskive og et kirsebær.
40 ml white rum
20 ml Cointreau
40 ml pineapple juice
Bitter Lemon to fill
Shake everything but the Bitter Lemon with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a highball glass.
Fill up with the Bitter Lemon soda.
Decorate with a slice of lemon and a maraschino cherry.
2 cl. Gin
1 cl. whisky
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med et rødt kirsebær.
2 pt gin
1 pt whisky
Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with a red cherry.
Kos Nightlife.
3 cl. vodka
3 cl. banan likør
2/3 Fanta lemon
1/3 Fersken juice
Server i høje glas med isterninger.
Kos Nightlife.
30 ml vodka
30 ml Crème de Bananes
2/3 Fanta Lemon
1/3 peach juice
Build in a highball glass packed with ice.
Fill up with 2/3 Fanta Lemon and 1/3 peach juice
Lady Perfect.
A cocktail for the perfect lady.
4 cl. Vodka
2 cl. dry Vermouth
1 cl. Cointreau
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med en Lime båd, cocktailbær og eller oliven.
Lady Perfect.
A cocktail for the perfect lady.
40 ml vodka
20 ml dry vermouth
10 ml Cointreau
Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with a lime wedge and a maraschino cherry or an almond pickeled olive.
4 cl. Malibu
Server i højt glas med is.
Fyld op med Cola, og dekorer med en skive Ananas.
40 ml Malibu
Build in a highball glass packed with ice.
Fill up with cola and decorate with a slice of fresh pineapple.
Lynchburg Lemon.
4 cl. Jack Daniels Tennessee whisky
saft fra en halv citron
Sprite eller 7up
Server i højt glad med isterninger.
Lynchburg Lemon.
40 ml Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whisky
juice from half a lemon
Sprite or 7up
Build over lots of ice cubes in a highball glass.
4 cl tequila
2 cl Cointreau
2 cl citron eller lime saft
1 skive citron (lime)
Tag citronskiven og gnid den langs kanten på glasset.
Dyp derefter glasset i saltet så der kommer et fint
lag salt hele vejen rundt på glassets yderside.
Saltet skal gå ca ½ cm. ned på glassets yderside.
Tequila, Contreau, citronsaft shakes nu med masser af is og
hældes forsigtigt i glasset så saltet ikke skades.
2 Ounce Tequila
1 Ounce Cointreau
1 Ounce lime juice
Shake and strain into a champagne saucer or large cocktail glass rimmed with
A classic New York martini.
2 cl. Canadian whisky
1 cl. sød vermouth (Martinni Rosso)
et par dråber Angustura.
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
A classic New York martini.
2 parts Canadian whisky
1 part sweet vermouth (Martini Rosso)
a few drops of Angostura Bitter
Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass
The Angostura Bitter is the most essential ingredient in this drink. You can not
make do without it!
Martini - (Rød)
3 cl. gin
1½ cl. Grand Marnier
1 cl. citronsaft
1 stænk Grenadine
Shake i cocktail shaker.
Pynt med citronskive eller grønt mint blad
Martinni - (Red)
1 shot gin
1/2 shot Grand Marnier
a splash (1/3 oz) lemon juice
a dash grenadine
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with a twig of lemon balm, mint, or some other green leaves.
Mellow Yellow Bird.
2 cl. hvid rom
2 cl. Calliano
2.cl. Cointreau
orange juice
ananas juice
Shake Rom, Caliano og Cointreau i cocktailshaker med is.
Si over i et højt glas.
fyld op med lige dele ananas og orange juice.
Tilsæt lidt Lime saft, og dekorer med Lime skive.
Mellow Yellow Bird.
2 cl rum -white
2 cl Galliano
2 cl Cointreau
pineapple juice
orange juice
Shake rum, Galliano and Cointreau in a cocktail shaker with lots of ice.
Strain into a higball glass and fill up with equal amounts of pineapple juice
and orange juice.
Add a dash of lime on the top.
Mojito - Klassisk.
4 cl lys rom
4-6 limebåde
1-2 tsk rørsukker
4-6 mynteblade
Lidt danskvand
1.Mynteblade, limebåde og sukker muddles i et collinsglas.
2.Fyld glasset op med knust is, og tilsæt rom.
3.Rør rundt og hæld lidt danskvand på toppen.
Mojito -
4 oz light rum
4-6 lime slices
1-2 tsp sugar cane
4-6 mint leaves
Danish water
1.Mint leaves, lime and sugar Muddle in a collins glass.
2.Fill up the glass with crushed ice and add rum.
3.Stir and pour some Danish water on top.
2 cl hvid rom
1 cl. Grand marnier
lige dele orange og citron juice
1 stænk Grenadine
Shake med is i cocktailshaker.
Si til højt glas med et par isterninger.
Fyld op med mere juice om nødvendigt.
2 parts rum
1 part Grand Marnier
equal amounts of orange juice and lemon juice
1 dash grenadine
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a highball glass with a couple of ice cubes.
Fill up with more juice if needed.
2 cl. Gin
2 cl. Campari
2 cl. rød sød vermouth.
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med et stykke citron og et rødt cocktailbær.
2 cl gin
2 cl Campari
2 cl Martini Rosso (sweet vermouth)
Stir and serve in a cocktail glass.
Decorate with a lemon twist or a red cherry.
3 cl. Tequila
Grapefrugt juice
Et stænk Grenadine.
Server i høje glas med is.
3 cl. tequila
grapefruit juice
Dash of Grenadine
Build in a highball glass packed with ice.
Ocean View.
3 cl. vodka
1 cl. Vermouth (Noilly Prat)
1 cl. Blå Bols
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
Dekorer med Pysalis og et stykke citron.
Ocean View.
1 oz vodka
1/3 oz dry vermouth (Noilly Prat)
1/3 oz blue curaçao
Stir with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with physalis and a lemon twist.
Para Cuba.
3 cl. hvid rom
Citron juice
Ananas Juice
1 stænk Grenadine.
+ lidt lemon vodka (hvis du har det).
Shake med is i en cocktailshaker.
Si over i et højt glas.
Dekorer med Lime.
Para Cuba.
1 oz white rum
lemon juice
pineapple juice
1 dash grenadine
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
If you have it, top with Vodka Lemon.
Strain into a highball glass.
Decorate with lime.
3 cl. Pernod
orange juice.
Server i høje glas med is.
Dekorer med Physalis eller orange skive.
1 oz Pernod
orange juice
Build in a highball glass packed with ice.
Decorate with physalis or a orange twist.
Piña Colada.
2 cl. hvid rom
1 cl. Malibu
2 cl. mælk
ananas juice
Shake rom. Malibu og mælk med is i en cocktailshaker.
Server i høje glas med is. Fyld op med ananas juice.
Dekorer med en appelsinskive.
Piña Colada.
1 shot white rum
1/2 shot Malibu
1 shot milk
pineapple juice
Shake rum, Malibu and milk with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a tall glass with ice.
Fill up with pineapple juice.
3 cl. vodka
2 teskefulde Grenadine
saft fra 1/4 Lime.
Server i høje glas med is
Fyld op med Sprite/7up.
Dekorer med en Lime skive.
1 shot vodka
2 tbsp grenadine
juice from 1/4 lime
Build in a highball glass half full of ice.
Fill up with Sprite or 7Up.
Red Shadow.
3 cl. Scotch whisky
2 cl. Peter Heering
3 stænk citron saft.
Shake med is i cocktailshaker.
Si over i et vinglas.
Red Shadow.
3 parts Scotch whisky
2 part cherry brandy
3 dashes lemon juice
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a cocktail glass.
San Francisco.
2 cl. vodka
1 cl. bananlikør
1 stænk grenadine
Shake og server i et højt glas med is.
Fyld op med appelsinjuice.
Dekorer med 1/2 skive appelsin og et rødt cocktailbær.
San Francisco.
1 shot vodka
1/2 shot Crème de Banane (banana liqueur)
1 dash grenadine
orange juice
Shake and serve in a highball glass with ice.
Decorate with a slice of orange and a red cherry
4 cl. vodka
oranger juice
½ appelsinskive
Serveres i mellemstort glas med isterninger
40 ml vodka
orange juice
Shake orange juice and vodka in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a highball glass with a couple of ice cubes.
Decorate with a slice of orange and a marascino cherry.
Singapore Gin Sling.
Variant 1
2 cl. Gin
1 cl. Peter Heering
Server i høje glas med is.
Fyld op med Apollinaris.
Singapore Gin Sling
Variant 2
1 oz Gin
1/2 oz Cherry Brandy (Peter Heering)
1/4 oz Benedictine (Dom)
1/4 oz Cointreau
1 dash Angostura Bitter
4 oz pineapple juice
1/2 oz lime juice
1/3 oz grenadine
Shake and strain into a highball glass packed with ice. Decorate heavily with a
slice of pineapple and a red cherry.
Serve with a straw.
The Singapore Gin Sling from Raffels Hotel in Singapore. This true classic was
invented by Ngiam Tong Boon in 1915.
Sunset martini.
4 cl. Tequila
1 cl. Lime saft
Lidt Grenadine
Shake med is, og si over i et cocktail glas.
Tilsæt forsigtigt Grenadine.
Sunset martini.
40 ml tequila
10 ml lime
10 ml grenadine
Stir tequila and lime with ice.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Carefully add the grenadine.
3 cl. Whiskey
3 cl. kold the
3 cl. Sherry
Shake med is, og si over i et vinglas glas.
Dekorer med oliven.
1 oz whisky
1 oz cold te
1 oz sherry
Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.
Decorate with an olive.
Tequila Sunrise.
3 cl. tequila
9 cl. appelsin juice
Lidt Grenadine
Server i høje glas med is.
Appelsin juice, tequila og is hældes i glasset og røres rundt.
Til sidst hældes lidt Grenadine i.
Man kan vælge at lade Grenadinen ligge i bunden hvilket giver en pæn effekt,
eller man kan røre rundt når den er hældt i hvilket giver en bedre og mere ens
Tequila Sunrise.
30 ml tequila
90 ml orange juice
1 dash of grenadine
Build over ice in a highball glass.
Start with the tequila, add orange juice and top with just a dash of grenadine.
Pour carefully, and you will get the layered effect of a sunrise.
Tom Collins
Variant 1
3 cl. Gin
1 dessertske flormelis
saften af ½ citron
Shake med is og hæld over i højt glas sammen med isen.
Fyld op med Apollinaris.
Dekorer med citronskive og et rødt kirsebær.
Tom Collins
Variant 2
2 oz gin
1 oz lemon juice
1 tsp superfine sugar
3 oz club soda
In a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes, combine the gin, lemon juice,
and sugar.
Shake well. Strain into a collins (or highgball) glass almost filled with ice
Add the club soda. Stir and garnish with a red cherry and an orange slice.
2 cl. Pisang Ambong
2 cl. Lime vodka
Ananas juice
Server i høje glas med is.
Fyld op med ananas juice.
Dekorer med en citron/lime skive.
20 ml Pisang Ambon liqueur
20 ml lime vodka
pineapple juice
Build over lots of ice in a highball glass.
Fill up with pineapple juice.
Vodka Cocktail.
4 cl. vodka
1 cl. citron saft
1 cl. orange juice
1 teskefuld Grenadine
3 stænk Angustura
Shake med is i en cocktail shaker.
Hæld i cocktail glas med knust is.
Dekorer med et stykke appelsin.
Vodka Cocktail.
4 cl (1 shot) vodka
1 cl lemon juice
1 cl orange juice
1 tsp grenadine
3 dashes Angostura Bitter
Shake with ice in a cocktail shaker.
Strain into a cocktail glass with crushed ice.
Wine Cooler.
3 dele rød eller hvidvin
1 del Grenadine.
Server i stort vin glas og fyld op med is og Apollinaris
Dekorer med al slags frugt.
En herlig forfriskende drik en varm sommerdag.
Wine Cooler.
There are lots of variations of a wine cooler. Here's our favourite:
3 parts red or white wine
1 part grenadine
Top with soda and serve in a wine glass with ice.
Decorate with just about any fruit.
There are few drinks that are more refreshing on a warm summer day.
Woman Warrior.
4 cl. vodka
1 cl. Blue Bols
1 cl. friskpresset lime saft.
Shake med is og hæld i afkølede cocktailglas.
Dekorer med en Limeskive.
Woman Warrior.
4 cl vodka
1 cl blue curaçao
1 cl freshly squeezed lime
Shake with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Fremgangsmåde 1
Ingredienser: Du
skal bruge følgende til:
” Grønlandsk
kaffe/Flydende Nordlys”
Der medgår til hvert glas:
2 cl. Whiskey
2 cl. Kahlúa
2 cl. Grand Marnier
Ca. 1- 1½ dl. varm kaffe
I et stort glas med stilk hældes først et mål whisky.
Whiskyen opvarmes forsigtigt, f.eks. over et stearinlys og antændes.
Lad den brænde et øjeblik, hvorefter der tilsættes Kahlúa og varm kaffe uden
Herover hældes forsigtigt et tykt lag - blødpisket - flødeskum.
Til sidst hældes brændende Grand Marnier
fra en stor sauce-ske hævet højt over glasset - helst i dunkel belysning.
Det er flydende nordlys!
Fremgangsmåde 2
cl. Whiskey
2 cl. Kahlúa
2 cl. Grand Marnier
Ca. 1- 1½ dl. varm kaffe
Whisky og Kahlua
hældes i et stort glas eller krus og fyldes 2/3 med kaffe.
Pynt med flødeskum. Hæld Grand Marnier i en dyb ske (sovse ske) og antænd den.
Den brændende Grand Marnier hældes over kaffen og der er serveret!
Fremgangsmåde 3
2 cl. Whiskey
2 cl. Kahlúa
2 cl. Grand Marnier
Ca. 1- 1½ dl. varm kaffe
Hæld whiskyen i et rummeligt
glas. Varm den over en spritflamme,
antænd den kort, sluk med en kop kaffe. Tilsæt Kahlúa. Top med flødeskum.
Hæld Gran Manier op i en sovse ske og varm det over spritflammen.
Når det er antændt hældes det over flødeskummen.
Kunsten er at trække den brændende stråle (nordlys) så lang som mulig.
S K Å L / C H E E R S